2013-things-of-thanks: Week 23

Nearly halfway. After these 39 things, only 1 116 things-of-thanks to go. Anyone still with me?


859 Writing a new book: a couple chapters done

860 Letters

861 That form words

862 That make sentences

863 That say truth

864 And conjure inspiration

865 Neighbour Goods Market in Jozi with my two Shirleys

866 Colour on cold concrete of grey city morning

867 Cinnamon mingling strong and sweet with garlic and rosemary

868 Sticky dirty boys at the end of a long happy day

869 ‘So what can I say? What can I do? But offer this heart o God completely to You’

870 An adoption process finally finalised for precious friends

871 Waiting with peace

872 An offer pending on our house

873 Cam helping me make pizza (and actually helping)

874 Casting burdens before the throne of Creator God

875 Broken things fixed

876 Scott’s vigorous nodding – enthusiastic ‘Yessss!’

877 New phone

878 Friendships that take precedence over dreams

879 Remembering: each one’s journey to the meeting place of lives has been different

880 Potential locked in old things

881 Dust turning golden in mellow sun

882 Cam inviting me to play with him

883 When some things that used to bug me don’t bug me anymore

884 Cam’s ‘With God all things are possible’ t-shirt

885 Murray reading my thoughts

886 Free apps

887 Free Wi-Fi

888 Extraordinary, serendipitous God-incidences

889 Spoken Sessions

890 Reminder to focus on others’ needs, not weaknesses

891 5:00am walks with Mel and Roxy through dark streets and fresh quiet air

892 Murray’s resoluteness and courage in the face of opposition

893 Watching people finishing the Comrades Marathon and feeling glad my knees are just at home with me

894 Opportunity to speak at HCC Training Centre

895 Cold front blowing in winter proper

896 The rightness of seasons

897 Fresh starts


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