2013-things-of-thanks: Week 17

Here’s hoping you’re a couple hours into a happy Monday. Thank you for the mails and comments and facebook inboxes lately sharing your 39 things. Trade winds in my eucharisteo sails, I tell you. So humbled and honoured to journey with you.

625 Bracing iciness of an early-winter cold front

626 Vacuuming under the boys’ bunk beds – so much dust sucked up

627 Bed time routine

628 Laptop

629 Tea cosy

630 A perfect sunny warm calm crisp quiet autumn afternoon

631 Jersey Boys

632 Little boy’s recovery from a terrifying near-drowning – such bone-chilling relief

633 Memories of walking home from my gran’s house as a kid

634 Kissing the ‘cockroaches’ out of Cam’s heart

635 Scott spellbound by tigers in the wild (on the TV)

636 National Geographic documentaries

637 Warm winter hats

638 Introspection brought on by autumn sunlight

639 Lids that fit pots

640 Literature that grips the mind and alters the course

641 Clean windows

642 Red and gold of liquid amber trees

643 Continental shelves

644 New shoes

645 Plasters for blisters from new shoes

646 Coronations and thrones and royal robes made of cardboard and dining room chairs and blankets and pegs

647 Assonance

648 Paint under little fingernails

649 Murray’s annual Sani2C – hardcore body and soul pilgrimage

650 French toast with maple syrup

651 Boys begging for play dates with their cousins

652 Tissues for snot

653 Really good service – combination of warmth and efficiency

654 People newly in love

655 Mysterious sea creatures in dark depths

656 Bold preachers

657 Waking up without a headache

658 Rye bread

659 Relief: no one can be all things to all people

660 New kiddies’ worship CD for the boys – kind of a Hannah-Montana-techno-remix butchering of Hillsongs et al – but they do love it

661 Long phone chats to my mom and mom-in-law

662 Seventeen weeks into a rich new year

663 The thrilling peace of balancing risk and faith


Artwork credit

One comment

  1. Thanks again! Need to remember that even housework has its blessings! No dust, shiny floors and the smell of newly baked muffins and biscuits!


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